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- He’s waiting for you. Will you be able to pass him by?
- This is one girl you want by your side when the zombie apocalypse breaks out.
- The long tunnel of death. What’s on the other side of your tunnel?
- He comes for you when you least expect it. Better get your affairs in order.
- Do you see her when you close your eyes at night? She sees you when you close your eyes at night.
- Don’t mind her, she’s just trying to beckon you across the swamp. Why not check it out?
- He knows what’s up. He knows what’s coming. Do you?
- Do you ever wonder why nobody else in your apartment complex is worried about some girl that is always hanging outside your door?
- When these get into your brain, it’s already too late. And they are already there.
- Come on, go up and knock. Ask to borrow a cup of sugar.
- Looks harmless enough. Why don’t you go for a hike, alone?
- He is the guardian of the forest of death. If you see him, that means you’re now a permanent resident.
- A nice quiet stroll. Forget about all the people who’ve been disappearing here lately.
- Go ahead, cover your eyes with your hands. He can still see into your soul.
- If you don’t make him angry, he might leave you alone. But probably not.
- The epic fight of good versus evil. Which side are you on?
- Want to ask him for a deal? What do you think you’ll get for your soul?
- Come on, I know shortcut. Don’t worry, those stories about that old guy who lives in the shack and kills trespassers can’t be true.
- When you get to the other end, you’ll have to stay forever. Be sure to choose the right path.
- These are supposed to help, but sometimes they get angry and do the opposite.