My girlfriend and I had a huge fight a coupe of weeks ago. I ended up saying some things that I later regretted. I mean some really mean things. When we first started dating, she was really shy and insecure. We went to a bunch of counseling sessions, mostly for her. And […]
Health Care Crisis
I just got this new job, which is kind of cool, but it kind of sucks. My old one was perfect, at least for me. I had a pretty big cubicle, didn’t have to attend a lot of useless meetings and was given a lot of freedom how to get my job done. […]
My Wicked Girlfriend
I had this girlfriend, who is now an ex girlfriend. And the process of her transitioning from girlfriend status to ex-girlfriend status was like how that one famous philosopher described mankind before the invention of civilization: Nasty, brutish, and short. The conversation was over before I even knew what was happening. She […]
They See You
I’m an idiot. I got fed up with my neighbors, who would smoke pretty much every day, stink up the place. I kept complaining but all the landlord ever did was just politely ask them to not do that. To which they would always say, “Yeah, whatever, we’ll stop.” But they never stopped. […]
Plasma Center Nightmare
I used to live above this really loud restaurant. Back when I was in college, and didn’t have a lot of money. The rent was really, cheap, and I was usually so drunk I didn’t really notice the noise. Sometimes my friends and I would sell our plasma to buy beer, or other […]
The Magic Iron and the Creepy Lady
So I was pretty bored the other day and decided to go for a walk. I do that quite often, as it helps me clear my mind. What’s best is when I go walking places I’ve never been to, or rarely go. I found myself walking down a small street with a lot of shop, […]
The Picture Perfect Promise of Murder
So my friends asked me to go camping. I don’t usually like camping. At least not lately. When I was much younger it was a lot more fun. Until that one incident that I don’t really like to talk about. So they convinced me to go. And there we are, sitting around the fire. A […]
Rat Breeding
What Drives Me I don’t always know what I write. Or why I write. Sometimes I wake up, having dreamt of an idea that simply won’t leave my mind. It’s as if it’s been placed there by somebody else, or something else. I try and shake it off, go for a walk before sunrise, but […]